Get the most out of your email & hosting domains

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Email Domain & Reputation:

Raio always highly recommends using Google or Office360 due to the complexity of spam filtering, encryption, and domain reputation.  It is becoming more and more common for domain spoofing, and using a few “free” email addresses allows for that to happen much easier.  In addition, using services like microsoft/360 or Google’s G Suite automatically injects a higher level of reputation into your domain. This helps immensely with SEO, spam filtering, etc.  As a startup, where you will be sending emails to new people, this is extremely important, and is something that you should not spare the expense on.  Simply put: you get what you pay for with email.  And in all honesty, this is the primary reason Raio Creative does not do email hosting.

Email Integrations: 

Using a mail service like Google and Microsoft is going to give you a lot more flexibility with digital marketing, SEO, emailing, etc.  These companies are already so vast that they already have all of the best integrations. Tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others will be very important for your success of your business.

Need Hosting? Raio Can Help

Raio Creative provides a price match (or even better if it helps) hosting service for our clients. To accomplish this, we utilize our own infrastructure that’s already built into the sites we create, as well as Amazon Web Services (or AWS ). There’s also no need to worry about reliability, as we do auto-back ups regularly and everything we make is totally transferable. In addition, we’re able to manage all the DNS email domain stuff for you; all you have to do is sign up and pay for the Google or Microsoft service and provide us with the information when it asks to set up the domain.

Thats it. Easy peasy.

Important market resources: Google Analytics & Pop-Up Blockers

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As part of any digital marketing strategy, knowing who visits your site, from where, and when is always a useful piece of information to have. That’s where knowing your most important market resources comes in. Google Analytics provides a great and free service that can be integrated to achieve this (see Once an account is setup, just go to:

Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code

From this page you should see a Tracking ID in the form of UA-123456789-1 as well as a small code snippet that can be placed inside the <head></head> section of each HTML file of your website. Note, however, that some pop-up blockers will block requests to the google analytics cloud services (e.g. Therefore, this could be a source of confusion as to why Send test traffic is not working. So, when configuring and testing an initial GA integration, be sure to shut off pop-up blockers such uBlock Origin.

Google Analytics is just one of the simplest tools we use at Raio Creative to provide effective digital marketing. From Google Analytics, we can better pick out tag-words, trends, and demographic targeting for your ad campaigns, email marketing strategies, and social media posts!

Most of these tools are easy to set up and use on your own – and you can save a lot of money if you do. But, it is time consuming and tedious. That’s where Raio Creative comes in – we manage all that for you and more affordable prices than the typical digital marketing agency (and we don’t hide the toolsets we use like they are magic or something!).

Keep checking back with us at for more helpful tips on maximizing your business!